The Healing Power of Moxa
Moxibustion is a method of heating specific acupuncture points on the body by burning an herb material close to the skin. Moxibustion is a technique that can be used alone or in combination with acupuncture – the Chinese character for acupuncture means “acupuncture-moxibustion.”
The Five Vital Concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Shen
Shen embodies consciousness, emotions, and thought. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Shen is said to preside over activities that take place in the mental, spiritual, and creative planes.
The Five Vital Concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Jing
Jing is the Chinese expression for the essential fluid of our physical body. It is the most refined “essence of Qi”: the material basis for the body, the fluid essence that contains the life force.
The Five Vital Concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Yin-Yang
While many people have heard the term yin-yang or know it’s famous symbol, few understand what yin-yang truly is. In Chinese philosophy, Yin-yang, which translates into “dark-bright,” describes the notion that everything in nature consists of two paradoxical phases or energies.
The Five Vital Concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Xue (Blood)
The concept of Blood (Xue) as it is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory comprises a host of different meanings, actions and effects than they way the term is commonly understood in western medicine.
The Five Vital Concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the human body is a collective of interrelated yin-yang systems. When these different yin-yang systems are in harmony, the body is healthy, but when there is disharmony, illness arises.
The Five Vital Concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Qi
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of qi or chi has two main branches. There is the physical or nourishing portion of qi that makes up the air, water, and food that we take in. The other branch of chi is more insubstantial. It is the vital fluids and the energy itself that flows through our bodies.
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Natural remedy for boosting immunity + internal resilience. Herbal Steams support the immune system by opening the airways, dispelling stagnation, eliminating pathogens and mobilising the lymphatic system, aiding clearance of waste products and toxins from the body.