Unlocking Women’s Health: The Evidence and Benefits of Electroacupuncture for Period Pain
Electroacupuncture may seem like a concept hailing from cutting-edge science fiction, but it’s a contemporary and scientifically proven derivative of age-old acupuncture. The best part? Its effectiveness is particularly established in addressing women’s health issues.
Let’s explore further.
How to Improve Digestion to Balance Hormones
Research in the field of gut microbiome in the last 20 years has been flourishing with new studies investigating the extent to which this ensemble of bacteria, protozoa, fungi that resided within our gut can impact and affect specific areas of health.
Food and Mood: Can Nutrition Improve Mental Health?
Can you eat your way to better mental health? Let’s explore the role that the gut microbiome and diet have to play in brain and mental health, this Mental Health Awareness Week.
Medicinal mushrooms for fertility
Medicinal mushrooms have been shown to have immunomodulating effects, meaning they help keep the immune system in check, stimulating it when there’s something to fight and down-regulating it when it’s overactive.
Lentil and Chestnut Soup
Here is a recipe for a warming winter soup with hearty lentils and added chestnuts for the perfect seasonal nod.
Facts And Factors in Male Fertility
For so long we have placed the onus of responsibility regarding fertility on women which has been consolidated by a fragmented and patriarchal medical system.
The Benefits of Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide, the same chemical that helps men achieve an erection, may help women preserve their fertility and improve their chances of having a healthy baby
Peak Flow Herbal Food Supplement
The Herbal Hormone Support + Powerful Blood Nourishing Tonic. Supporting women find hormonal balance and smooth menstrual flow…
5 Natural Techniques to Overcome Constipation
We’ve all heard of the amazing health benefits of Kombucha. But short of forking out £5 on a tiny bottle or brewing your own that walks a fine line before becoming a giant vat of vinegar, there’s not much alternative.